The Intention
I hope that this makes you feel less alone. I hope that when you read my pieces, you feel seen. You resonate with my words that are filled with happiness, anger, despair, anxiety, love, heartbreak, humor, trauma, and my version of the human experience. I hope that when you engage with this blog you feel a sense of community, a place where you can read unfiltered and honest words that clutch your heart and melt in your mind. My dream for this platform is to make it multifaceted, just like ourselves. An area where you can read posts that will make you cry, make you giggle, make you gasp, and make you say “are they reading my mind?”. When you feel hopeless, when you feel happy, when you feel like the main character you can come here for playlists that have the potential to be the soundtrack to your life. I want this to be a place where you can find a multitude of things, different categories meant to serve various purposes - highlighting that we can be more than one thing. Maybe my thoughts resonate with you. Maybe they don’t. I have opened up this space to make people feel safe and less alone in this scary world. If I have at least done that for one person, then this blog has been a success. Happy navigating and always remember one thing: you matter.